Best Movie Genre

 As a film enthusiast it is too hard for me to pick just one movie to write about, because there is a long list of movies I've seen that I consider to be my favorites, hence why I can't choose between them. Thankfully, the majority of the films of that list, can be cathegorized in the "psychological thriller" genre, which I personally believe is the best genre out of all.
Psychological thriller is a subgenre of the thriller genre, and while it mantains the suspense part that is fundamental to this type of movies, it also adds the focus on the unstable mental states of its charecters, which makes them not- so predictable and changable during the plot, giving it way more complexity to their actions and personalities than other kind of movies. 
Another important part of these movies are the plot twists, which is my favorite part because I tend to figure out the endings of the movies really fast on other type of films but in psychological thrillers that never happens, ever! the way things turn out at the end its always a surprise for me, and sometimes I need to re-watch the movie to completely understand what just happened. The phychological ingredient along with the plot twist are the reasons why I love it so much!
I highly recommend you to check the movies in this category if you want your mind to explode 💥


  1. I like this genre also, you never knows how will finish all!

  2. I also loooove this genre, my favorite by far.

  3. ahh remember when you made me watch memento and i was like a 2 hours of me being ????????????????????????????????????

  4. I also like this genre, there is a lot of personal interpretation and even if you see it with more people, all of them are left with something different from the movies, love that


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