
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2017

My future job

If everything turns out right, in the best case scenario, I will be working as a psychologist (I do have something like a plan B in case anything but this happens lol). I would like to work in the public sector, at least for the first years, but I don’t know exactly where yet, because part of it depends of the specialization I'll major in and I haven't decided it yet. I want to work in that field because I’d like to be useful to the people that needs the help but can’t afford it easily. I also would like to save as much money as I can to travel, because it’s like my main goal in life and one of the reasons I’ll work for, obviously besides the basic stuff I’ll need to cover. I could travel for work but mostly I’d like to do it out of pleasure because I love traveling, and meeting new places it is something that I enjoy a lot. And of course I would like to have a great salary so I can live well doing the things I want, so  as long as it allows me to accomplish this goal and ...


I’m studying psychology and I’m currently on my third year (6 th  semester), which still seems unrealistic to me haha. To be honest, it wasn’t my dream career because I wanted to study something related with music but that was almost impossible for me so this was the only one that I could actually study, and I really love it even though I constantly have doubts regarding my capacities to practice in this field. I didn’t have many careers to choose from apart from music and psychology so I didn’t really have a reason why I finally decided to study this career over others, but if I’m certain of something is that the reason why I liked this career so much was, and still is, because I wanted to help people, which probably sounds corny and idealistic but it’s the truth. Since the first day, out of the five applied disciplines that we can choose from in this uni (Educational, Organizational, Legal/Juridic, Clinical and Community psychology) I’ve been interested in Juridic (especiall...

Best Movie Genre

 As a film enthusiast it is too hard for me to pick just one movie to write about, because there is a long list of movies I've seen that I consider to be my favorites, hence why I can't choose between them. Thankfully, the majority of the films of that list, can be cathegorized in the " psychological thriller " genre, which I personally believe is the best genre out of all. Psychological thriller is a subgenre of the thriller genre, and while it mantains the suspense part that is fundamental to this type of movies, it also adds the focus on the unstable mental states of its charecters, which makes them not- so predictable and changable during the plot, giving it way more complexity to their actions and personalities than other kind of movies.  Another important part of these movies are the plot twists ,   which is  my favorite part because I tend to figure out the endings of the movies really fast on other type of films but in psychological thrillers that never...